The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16236   Message #150364
Posted By: Wesley S
16-Dec-99 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: How do you feel about Christmas?
Subject: RE: How do you feel about Christmas?
I guess I'm luckier than most. What helps me get in the spirit is doing something for others. About a week ago I was able to play Santa for some kids from a local housing project. { Hey - if the suit fits - wear it } They always blow me away with their unselfish attitudes compared with the children of some of my more affluent friends. All of them asked for only one toy { Pokeman and Barbies}. One asked for a puppy, and one asked if she could move to Oklahoma so her father could come to visit her. And another girl said that all she wanted was for her whole family to have a good Christmas { "excuse me little girl - Santa has to go cry now" }. Most of the kids knew I was a chubby yuppie in a red velvet suit but about a dozen of them knew that I was the real Santa. And for and hour or so I was. Shades of Miracle on 34th Street.

If I was to be presumptuous enough to offer advice it would be that there are always people less fortunate than you and if you find and help them out in some way that you will feel better about yourself - if that's your goal.

I wish I could remember the name of the elderly african american lady who passed away recently. She gave most of her money away for scholarship funds. She was quoted as saying something like - If you want to have self esteem - do things you can be proud of.

The other thing I remind myself of when I get a case of the "gimmes" at Christmas was something I heard in a meeting "Expectations are just premeditated resentments"

I hope this hasn't sounded too preachy. This might not be what you are after. If all else fails watch "It's a Wonderful Life"

Merry Christmas - and if no one else today has told that they love you - I do {and I don't even know you}