The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81363   Message #1503740
Posted By: GUEST,sorefingers
18-Jun-05 - 02:08 PM
Thread Name: Woody Guthrie Birthday Bash V
Subject: RE: Woody Guthrie Birthday Bash V
Hmmm, yall look to me like a bunch of bored executives out for a nights celebration over ripping off Joe Public with some stock scam!

Woody Guthrie may have in his weakest last days laid down and gotten walked on by the likes of Bob The Dollar Dillon, but ya know what, nobody today cares a sh1t about Bob while they still love the Woody thing, for example the kids in my local school sing 'This Land Belongs To You And Me' ever couple of days.

If you can't kick the right where it hurts most, then to make a buck you should not be using the good name of those who did/do.