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Thread #82154   Message #1503778
Posted By: John M.
18-Jun-05 - 03:10 PM
Thread Name: ADD: 'Fuck You Jane Fonda' Vietnam Song (bawdy)
Subject: Lyr Add: 'Fuck You Jane Fonda' Vietnam Song

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Below is a traditional bawdy song titled:  "Fuck You Jane Fonda"  (,%20Jane%20Fonda.mp3) recording [file no longer found - 10-24-2020])

Knowledge of this song is very rare according to this google search.  So any help is appreciated.


John Mehlberg
Afternoons:  314.647.3883
Evenings:     314.381.0492
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FUCK YOU, JANE FONDA (,%20Jane%20Fonda.mp3" [file no longer working] recording)

For years and years and years 'round the country,
Everybody thought that girl was swell,
After saying what she said, we wish that she were dead,
Jane Fonda, you should go straight to hell.


Fuck you, Jane Fonda, and Tom Hayden, too,
Fuck you, Jane Fonda, you're screwed up through and through,
Fuck you, Jane Fonda, you really have been had,
Fuck you, Jane Fonda, you're the shame of your poor dad.

Not long ago Jane went to see the commies,
Like Joan Baez and Ramsey Clark had done,
As they'd done in the past, they blew smoke right up her ass,
The Yankee Air Pirates are the guilty ones.

Jane said the POWs were liars,
Not only that they're hypocrites and pawns
"I know that those are lies, for I've seen with my own eyes.
They had good chow, they were not treated wrong."

Jane went up north to make a movie,
To demonstrate their peaceful, earnest pleas,
Although it isn't war, they're sending thousands more,
To help save Vietnam from the Vietnamese.

Sister Jane met Uncle Ho at Christmas,
To show us how the VC never sin,
She said her prayers that night, for a 0-9 mercy flight,
But Ho arrived instead, and slipped it in.

Jane Fonda, you're a bitch who's quite unique,
You've seen things that no other girl has seen,
Yeas, they showed you on the dike how it had been ruined by 20 mike-mike,
An asshole, you believed the rod machine,

Back in the states, our commie cunt vocal,
Describing all the horrors of the war,
But what she did not say, was exactly where she lay,
On top or underneath Ho, yelling "More!"

In keeping with the spirit of rebellion,
You helped the Indians at Wounded Knee,
But what a boring place, No CBU-just Mace,
Just not enough the keep you in the spree.

Notes: This is from pg. 20 of _The Raven_ which was "Published by The Edgar Allen Poe Literary Society of Texas Inc."   This is the 1990 Raven FAC reunion songbook.