The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50486   Message #1503792
Posted By: annamill
18-Jun-05 - 03:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why do men wear socks with sandals
Subject: RE: BS: Why do men wear socks with sandals
My Mom spent the growing up part of her life on a farm in South Carolina with her sharecropper Daddy and Mommy. They had an outhouse and a pump in 1950 thru 1955 when we used to go visit. Gramma used to walk out of the frontdoor, grab a couple chickens runnin' around, wring their necks, scald off the feathers, and cook 'em for dinner.

Did we EVER where shoes? No! Well, Sunday go to meetin' maybe. I don't remember tho.

Back up East, we wore shoes to school cause we had to. At home, never. Mommy always said the best thing for your feet was nothin'. Turned out later, she was right, with Earth shoes and all. I have perfect feet. Wide, but perfect with good strong arches.

Now, to the point. Since I've grown and the ways of the deep South aren't tolerated anymore (that in someways is real good), I'm forced to wear shoes. Most of the time I wear sandals, sans socks. As close to how I grew up as I can get. BTW, I never wear any kind of shoes at home. Only when I go out.

The concept of wearing socks AND sandals is just beyond me and it has nothing whatsoever to do with fashion.


Of course, during the sixties I developed the deepfelt concept of the "do your own thing", "to each his own", "whatever turns you on" type of thinking.

So, to those who wear socks with sandals, RIGHT ON!

Love, annamill