The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81844   Message #1503913
Posted By: Frankham
18-Jun-05 - 07:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
Subject: RE: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
The interesting thing to me Brucie is that sane people basically want the same things regardless of "right" or "left" but always fight over the details.

I don't think anyone in their right mind loves war, for example.

People want to be able to live comfortably and make enough money to do that.

I think that most Americans love or like the country they live in.

Sane people don't want to see selfishness or greed rewarded.

Sane people want to see a respect for others and not go around with a chip on their shoulder.

Most people are comfortable with a reasonable view of life and not given to extremism as a solution for the world's problems.

We want the best for our families, our children,
our men and women in uniform, and we would like to have
good representation in our government by compassionate and intelligent folks.

We all would like to be proud of our country and the ideals on which it was conceived.

I believe sane people believe that the right to worship should be respected and not unduly thrust on anyone who doesn't believe the way they do.

I believe that sane people really want good things for others as they would have for themselves.

I believe that sane people don't want to punish others and would prefer other methods to solving problems rather than beating down those with which they don't agree.

I believe that sane people would prefer to have a society where jails and capital punishment were unnecessary.

I think that whether on the "right" or "left" basically we all want the same things and may have different ideas on how to get there.
It apparently isn't easy for some of us who label themselves Conservative to tolerate the "left" and the reverse is true as well.

But I believe that we basically prefer tolerance to extremism
and non-violent solutions to problems which engender animosity, hatred, killing, rancor, needless division and misery.

I believe tolerating sane people is easy regardless of which side of the political fence we choose.

Frank Hamilton