The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81680   Message #1504303
Posted By: GUEST,Name withheld. A Female Member.
19-Jun-05 - 10:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: More Muslim Intolerance (2)
Subject: RE: BS: More Muslim Intolerance (2)
Dianavan you bring up some very good points.

The reply you recieved however is par course. Fear inducing...Raping is an insult to the people on this forum's intelligence by posting reponses such as this one to your question.

Hate crimes are on the rise and as a 25 year experienced Rape Crisis Worker myself (that is my reason for posting Anon) I cannot find any support for the ludicrous suggestions made by the BNP organiser from Hull.

In the 30+ years that I have pro actively fought against Rascism it was with some surprise that I discovered posts from this Party on the Mudcat a while back.

I had however been informed that this was indeed going to be the new approach, the new strategy of White Supremist/Hate Groups worldwide.

The B** and others have no funds to get their message out there so they will now be using the internet, coming into forums and provoking discussion and perhaps that way they 'may' collect a few 'converts' along the way.

I will say this. Many People from all Racial backgrounds have been beaten and Hospitialized by persons associated with this Party (some, and only some of those associates are the NF, C18 and certain Members of the BNP themselves) That is a FACT that I can verify. I myself still have my Police reports and Hosptial records that will support this as do MANY other Victims that I know well.

One has to be particular careful as sometimes the argument or debate fuels the Rascism itself if the points are not made effectively. The BNP Organiser for Hull's answer to Dianavan's question to "specify" is a perfect example of these tactics.

A open Forum on the Internet is perhaps the worst place to even tackle these kind of issues and rascist slurs. The posts then become available to many people, who may be unbalanced enough to believe the BNP's kind of propaganda.

From the comfort of being anonymous and in one's Home, perhaps very far away from where a particluar Hate group operates, I myself try to remember that the anger that can be generated during debate here can then be taken out of the Internet and inflicted on a Victim in the real world.

I am disappointed that the B** was allowed a platform to air their distortions on the Mudcat. If ever there was a case in point of 'Do not respond" that was it would seem that is a redundant term on the Mudcat now and has been for sometime unfortunately.

So I feel that by attempting discussion on these issues with the BNP Organiser for Hull I am encouraging and by encouraging...I could unknowningly contribute to the problem.   Therefore I will not attempt to engage in any exchange with The BNP Organiser for Hull (or any other Rascist that posts here for that matter) again. The risks are not worth the effort in my opinion.

I will not be back on this Thread.