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Thread #82177   Message #1504510
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
19-Jun-05 - 04:40 PM
Thread Name: Every 3 seconds...a child dies...Live 8
Subject: Every 3 seconds...a child dies...Live 8
I don't know if this will be allowed to stay on Mudcat...I sincerely hope it will.

I've just finished watching the videos on the Live 8 site and I felt that the link should be on Mudcat....and hopefully it will be passed on by loads of people TO loads of people.

It was the little baby girl who sleeps on the streets in the 'Toddlers' film that broke my heart....she's not yet two, but she can't walk as rats have bitten her toes. And Lenny Henry saying that "People are dying because they're too poor to live!" and Nelson Mandela telling people "Do not look the other way" And the two little boys who broke down in tears when they were talking of their Mum who had just died of Aids, how they didn't know what to do without her, and their Dad was sick too....he died a few weeks later.

So...please..if you've got a few minutes to spare, take a look at the site. Remember that 8 people in this world can make a vast difference to the people in those films and for hundreds of thousands of others. But those 8 people, the most 'important' leaders in the world, WON'T change things unless we DEMAND that they do!!

You can e mail Tony Blair from that site, the message is already written out for you, just put your e mail address in and 'send'. That's all you have to do, to add your name to the vast waterfall of people around the world who are trying to stop all this madness.

As Lenny said "If enough people make themselves heard, then the world can change forever!" Help them do it! They can't do it without us and we all need to change the way this world is.

I say this at the beginning of the Wimbledon Tennis tournament tomorrow, when one of the top young girl players will be appearing in a pair of trainers that Nike have spent £500,000.00 making. They are made with pure gold you see, with Maria's name picked out in pure gold on her heels.

Meanwhile, in Africa, another young girl, who has her bed on the pavement, has rats at her toes....not gold on her heels.

We need to change things!....Oh we SO need to change things!

Here's the site, the first is direct into the videos, the second is the main site:

"Every 3 seconds......a child dies."

But for the Grace of God, that child could be could be yours....but we are the lucky ones, aren't we.

"Do not look the other way"

Lizzie x