The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82154   Message #1505091
Posted By: GUEST,Art Thieme
20-Jun-05 - 10:37 AM
Thread Name: ADD: 'Fuck You Jane Fonda' Vietnam Song (bawdy)
Subject: RE: pg13 Add: 'Fuck You Jane Fonda' Vietnam Song
I remember well the bad blood clouding the eyes of all concerned when Jane went to N. Viet Nam and stridently spoke out. She has said, in looking back, that it went, and was, very wrong.----We, on the anti-war side then thought it was, at best, a tactical mistake she was making---and there is no excuse except stupidity for those mistakes---then or now. It polarized people, and it hurt the sincere work being done by many who simply thought that the best way to be anti-war was to bring the soldiers home from an agonizing and insanely wrong-headed war on people who, like today, had a right to do things their own way---even if it wasn't our way.

The song, like all books, deserves to be noted and archived where others can find it as a document, and, as such, indicative of the strong passions of this absolutely terrible quagmire/war/era that killed so many young men so needlessly. (Deja vu all over again.)

MUDCAT is exactly the right place, in the light of this strange cyber-age we are now in, for the song to be located. Lousy song that it is aside, we ought not ban it -- just like we have, hopefully, learned not to burn books.

I'm proud to, again, agree with Mick---like I usually do! He knows, in his role as a union organizer, how catastrophic innocent tactical errors can backfire with the intensity of nuclear fart!

Art Thieme