The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82231   Message #1505733
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
21-Jun-05 - 03:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Confusion in the closet, in or out......
Subject: RE: BS: Confusion in the closet, in or out......
We could go back to the really old fashioned way.... hang clothes up in the garderobe (clue in the name....) otherwise known as Duke Norman's Patented LongDrop Khazi... usually found in the outside wall of a castle, although Bayeux still has a splendid timber example just to the left of the water wheel on the mill.

So.. you got three options... be motheaten, smell of mothballs or smell of shit...

And just for the record.... I've seen moth balls, I've seen moths... HOW the hell do they manage to fly?