The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82244   Message #1505891
Posted By: Bobert
21-Jun-05 - 08:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mattress Question???....
Subject: BS: Mattress Question???....
Okay, this one ain't about roadkill mattresses but a serious question about mattresses in general...

Seein' as the P-Vinbe and I are currently "camping out" in our new digs and sleepin' on an air mattress we are goping to have to purchase a new mattress... Problem is that the P-Vine's son, Hall, says that mattress construction has changed drastically since I bought this mattress some 10 years ago... Well, I might add, Hall is a believer in the 90 miles-per-gallon carburator so I don't take everything he says as the Gospel...

So, what about it? Did the mattress industry go thru some kinda revolution whilst I was sleepin'? Is there some kinda new mattress technology out there that we need to know about?

