The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82055   Message #1506293
Posted By: Pauline L
21-Jun-05 - 05:30 PM
Thread Name: Major cuts for PBS and NPR budgets
Subject: RE: Major cuts for PBS and NPR budgets
More evidence that this is for real is given by the New Yosk Times on June 17 in an article cited here.

Not everyone can afford an iPod and many of those who can have never been exposed to some of the things on NPR/PBS. My own life has been greatly enriched by Marian McPartland's Piano Jazz. Take a look at the following programs, cited by Alice, above. I'll bet that almost everyone who reads this list loves at least one of these programs.

  1. Thistle and Shamrock (Celtic music hosted by Fiona Richie)
  2. The Folk Sampler
  3. Prarie Home Companion
  4. From the Top
  5. Classical Guitar Alive
  6. World of Opera
  7. National Native News (news from tribes in the US and Canada)
  8. To The Point (debate of current issues)
  9. Marian McPartland Piano Jazz Click
  10. Many channels carrying in-depth coverage of news, science and the arts
  11. Masterpiece Theater
  12. Frontlineline
  13. Mystery
  14. Many symphony performances
  15. Austin City Limits

Don't you want these to continue to be available to all interested people? Please sign the petition sponsored by MoveOn.Org (link cited above on this thread).