The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16256   Message #150642
Posted By: Bruce O.
16-Dec-99 - 10:18 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Funny and Ribald Medieval tunes plea
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Funny and Ribald Medieval tunes plea
At most of the Ren-fairs they sing songs from 'Pills to Purge Melancholy', none of the songs being as early as 1600, and for songs earlier than 1650 'Pills' often doesn't have the original tune. 'Beggars' Opera' is even later, 1728. [Tunes from John Gay's three ballad operas and all others that printed the music are indexed in the Ballad Opera Tunes file on my website, many of the tunes being given in the Broadside Ballads tune files.]