The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82244   Message #1506766
Posted By: Bobert
22-Jun-05 - 07:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mattress Question???....
Subject: RE: BS: Mattress Question???....
Well, the deed is done. After an hour of being led around and given one sales pitch affer another, being tested on the sleep machine which prints out a piccure of what the machine thinks you sleep like and more sales pitches, we bought a danged mattress...

No pillow top. No bells or whistles. Just a nice firm middle line matress and even got it fir $200 less than the supposed "On Sale" price when I told the salesmen we were going to go acrross the street to compare...

And as fir them Swedesh foam mattresses? Didn't care fir it one bit...
