The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40681   Message #1507005
Posted By: katlaughing
22-Jun-05 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Crafters
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Crafters
Thanks, Tracey and congrats on your site! I don't have any of my former jewellry stuff online, anymore, but once in a while I put a simple "Y" necklace up in the Mudcat auction.

SRS, take a metalsmithing/jewellry design class if you can. I took it for a year at the local college in Casper and while I think the teacher focussed too much on finesse of design and not enough on the actual mechanics (plus she was a purist, so hardly any power tools could be use for the work which proved too hard on my shoulders), it was STILL a fantastic class and I learned a lot. I have a pair of earrings I need to have finished.

The link worked fine. It is my experience that with someone to show you how and some practice, it wouldn't take you long to be able to make those. I see them at all of the rock shops and fairs I go to.

The other thing I took which I LOVED was bronze-casting, but enamelling is my real love because I get instant gratification. Now, I just need to save up and get a tabletop kiln for doing small pieces. I'll put up a picture or two of the fish tiles I did.

Love this thread. Thanks!
