The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80645   Message #1507016
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
22-Jun-05 - 11:40 AM
Thread Name: Why folk don't sing
Subject: RE: Why folk don't sing
My thoughts on why people don't sing (much)

1. There are so many canned things going already: TV, CD's, iPods

2.   Most contemporary music doesn't have any melody. I worked for a year in a store where "great hits" were playing. I can't remember a single song they ever played - they all just droned on.

   How many contemporary hits with a real melody can you name? My answer:

       1. Stairway to Heaven
       2. Can I have this dance for the rest of my life?
       3. umm...

3.   People who sing around the house are often ridiculed if their voices are not perfect. This keeps their voices from improving. I tell them to sing while cleaning up the kitchen. Nobody will stop you then.

4. People think that famous singers are "stars" who were born with "talent". While it's true that heredity has a lot to do with what voice you have, many of the faults that bug people in Point 3 above could be cured.

4.   Non-church-going. Church-going families probably sing more because they're used to the idea that ordinary people sing.

5.   Ugly pop music has been around so long that we now have non-singing parents raising non-singing little ones. Or at least I think so.

If you know young children, do they sing while washing dishes, on long car rides, around a camp fire, at youth-group meetings? We used to sing at these times, although I admit that singing while doing the dishes was a rare phenomenon.