The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82142   Message #1507131
Posted By: The Shambles
22-Jun-05 - 01:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who do consider to be a genius?
Subject: RE: BS: Who do consider to be a genius?
The only real love is unconditional love. (That doesn't mean, though, that you put up with bad behaviour on the part of those you just keep loving them (within yourself) regardless, that's all.)

The 'love' than many of his devoted fans show to Michael Jackson (because of what they consider to be his musical genius) is certainly unconditional and often blind to the facts. However, as most of them do not actually know him personally - I am not sure that this can be thought of as real love or any love at all. I suspect it is something far more worrying.

Recent films on the fans who had camped outside the courtroom show some of them praying to little shines devoted to him. The extent that some of these fans would be prepared to go to demonstrate this unconditional 'love' to their genius/hero - probably concerns me just as much as Michael Jackson's apparent need to nurture and feed (vampire like) off of this uncritical adulation.