The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82322   Message #1507963
Posted By: katlaughing
23-Jun-05 - 09:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lions Guard Abducted Girl
Subject: RE: BS: Lions Guard Abducted Girl
Google has several reports of this listed in their news section. I thought this point, by one author, was well-made:

Among certain groups of people in Ethiopia there is a tribal custom that involves "marriage by abduction". Young girls are kidnapped, beaten and raped until they become pregnant. The abductors, aware that parents still demand a dowry for young virgin daughters as high as $500 Canadian, consider abduction a much cheaper method of securing a wife. Once a girl has been raped and beaten, the price goes down considerably to as low as $60 and a good horse. In all cases, the abductors are grown men sometimes 15 to 20 years older than the child.

Worldwide it is estimated that there are at least 50 million young girls who are forced into mostly violent arranged marriages. Some are as young as 7 but most are 12 to 14 years old. Because the practice was largely ignored by the global community and mired in local custom and secrecy for so long, it wasn't until 2001 that the practice was officially denounced as a human-right violation by the United Nations.

The UN proclamation unfortunately has not put an end to the practice but has forced participants further into the shadows of isolation. According to a Chicago Tribune article written by Paul Salopek, in Ethiopia's most remote and rural regions, it has been estimated that at least 82% of all brides are the result of arranged unions and marriage by kidnapping. In an area where virginity is considered sacred, children are forced into marriage years before they reach puberty because of their fear that the girls' first menses will be mistaken as the sign of premarital intercourse.

So, if the lions hadn't rescued this young girl from her kidnappers that day, this article would not have been written. A more spiritual person might suggest that in rescuing one young girl, the lions brought attention to the plight of millions.

Maybe it's time to pay attention..