The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82373   Message #1508909
Posted By: Alba
24-Jun-05 - 03:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: I hate flies... blackflies, skeeters, bl
Subject: RE: BS: I hate flies... blackflies, skeeters, bl
Ive got the same nasty buggers flying about looking for flesh here in the Backwoods as yirself Gnu. Let's not forget the Deer Ticks and mozzies to add to the list. Bloody no see ums, wakening up with nibbles out of my arm agghhh
It can get real miserable at times.
Deer Flies and Horse Flies here to. Buzzin around my head when I am walking or riding along, driving me crazy then...strike...chunk, blood..pain!!!!
Tomorrow though, I am dreading it... it's gonna be too hot, too Humid and because of that there will be too many flying hungry blood seekers out and about..!!!
Good Luck Gnu ma dear.:>) We can exchange type of bites received and numbers on Sunday when the cooler front comes though!lol