The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82350   Message #1510226
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
26-Jun-05 - 10:05 AM
Thread Name: Radio BRITFOLK hits the net
Subject: RE: Radio BRITFOLK hits the net
I'm listening to it right now El Greko. The South Bank sign of Melvyn Bragg anywhere...phew! ;0) It's great..have put it on my 'favourites' list.

Brilliant name..Radio Britfolk....Brilliant idea!

Hope it all goes well. There'll be no work done anywhere in the country tomorrow as people start tuning in and the work starts to pile up right across the nation.

I've just heard 'Three Score Years And Ten' and am listening to the history of the song at the present. Loads of information with each song. Thanks for letting us know about it.

Good heavens!! I've just heard the saucy song 'Cottage For Sale'...I'm not saying a WORD!! ;0) Loads of giggling going on in that room. Then...sorry I can't stop listening and typing....I've just heard Shanty Jack....Oh boy...and Stormalong John is singing on this too..well that's it...I'm totally hooked now! This is almost Radio for pirates isn't it? Swoon! ;0)

Oh no..we're putting in a new kitchen today and himself has just told me that he's got to turn the power off!!! What torture!!!....Fisherman....Boats.Grimsby Town and now I've got to leave! Any minute now Major Sharpe is about to appear over the hill and I'm going to miss him! :0( .....I'll be back later to listen to the whole show.

I'm sorry....but WHO is Mike Harding???? What is the BBC????

Give me Radio Britfolk everytime!

Pirates Radio! ;0)

Lizzie :0)

PS...I'm leaving this just as Liam Duffy is starting to sing.....sob!