The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82465   Message #1510595
Posted By: Nemesis
26-Jun-05 - 08:00 PM
Thread Name: Leaving the people to rot, & dead at 50
Subject: Leaving the people to rot, & dead at 50
This will probably only make sense if you've followed the UK PEL saga (and maybe not even then) or if you live in Sussex, or are a club organiser etc

I've just counted up - and excluding the three annual all day, weekend festivals, I will have organised (from a cash start of 100 quid) and put on 50 club nights this Friday.

Ooh, total audiences getting on for over 5,000 - over 500 musicians even including Gold-disc, sold 25 million albums, Fellows of the Royal College of Music PAYING into the communal pot to play at an Open Mic. (Pay to play - it's a local tradition(!) deriving from the notorious reluctance of local pubs to pay musicians)

Anyway, Friday st July 2005 is the last:
following last year's festival that I organised, on the advice of its "Special Adviser on Anti-Social behaviour" the council decided to prosecute the pub - the owner put the place on the market as a result - he and the manager were convicted on the old "more than two musicians in the bar" legislation. But bearing in mind it was for the local children's HOSPICE, for which we "brilliantly fundraised" £4,000 - the magistrates only(!) made them pay a total of a thousand pounds towards legal costs, and conditionally disharged them for a year. Meanwhile, the local council tax payers footed the other £3000+ prosecution costs. (Coincidentally, £4,000 also being the entire annual budget of the Arts Development Officer that the Council sacked to save money, in a town of 100,000 residents)

Then last week the same committee decided stripped the manager of his license - on another matter for which he had already been punished by the Courts - thereby depriving him of his livelihood and means of supprt for his seriously sick baby son (hence his understandable support for the local children's hospice, which relies entirely on donations)

Anyway, now the pub has been sold - to Courage - for a fake-beamed extravaganza. All the staff have lost their jobs, the deputy manager his home, and the town the only cooperative and supportive pub landlord with a venue to put on community arts events. (Not having a town Arts centre or support for community arts - local groups have to be able to afford the full commercial hiring rates for (the only) council venues).

Last night, in another town at another venue, I saw an act sing to the tune "I love Paris in Springtime" the memorable line: "I don't love Worthing, I find it unnerving, the way they leave the people there to rot!"

And despite senior Conservative, Baroness Peta Buscombe, speaking at a recent House of Lords debate on urban regeneration, stating that there is evidence to show that more live music equals less trouble", (as indeed many campaigners against the new Licensing Laws pointed out repeatedly during their campaign). For crime figure comparisions - "sedate, and dignified" Bath, during the same 4 days of the Glastonbury festival recorded just under 20% more crime than the festival with 120,000 people consuming most of the cider that Somerset can produce.

So, "Mr Head of Worthing Borough Council Licensing Committee and its Special Adviser on Anti-Social Behaviour" your decision (on the basis of gaining one Tory voter who complained) to prosecute the pub for last year's festival, set off this entire debacle, leading not only to the club's demise, but also the loss of an important community facility and venue for other grassroots arts events: put that in your pipe and smoke it. I'm sure your madperson/ neighbour across the road from the pub is very happy, and will vote for you and your meglomaniac Mugabe-style intentions of flattening the town of any protest, (together with acres of concrete, but that's another story)
so it's all been worthwhile hasn't it?

Leaving now and turning the lights out .....