The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82466   Message #1510626
Posted By: Big Mick
26-Jun-05 - 09:10 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Maeve - help needed from Irish friends
Subject: Folklore: Maeve - help needed from Irish friends
Hi folks.

I just had a picnic with a wee lass whose name is Maeve. Her Grandmother, Kathryn Gavan O'Connor Kuhn, is looking for kids books about Maeve in order that she may learn about the Warrior Queen she is named after.

Could any of you assist with titles, and authors on this subject? I am figuring there must be kids books on the subject somewhere but Google doesn't seem to be locating any.

The books should be targetted towards kids under the age of 13.

All the best,
