The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82224   Message #1510872
Posted By: InOBU
27-Jun-05 - 07:21 AM
Thread Name: Tune Req: They hang the man and flog the woman
Subject: RE: Tune Req: They hang the man and flog the woman
This is very timely, in light of the US Supreme Court ruling that immanent domain applies to the state taking private property to give to private concerns... In New London, single family homes were taken away by the municipality, so the land could be given to a corporation to build a Mall. This is a complete change in American law and attitude. The expression "an Englishman's home is his castle" comes from the first day of the War for Independence, when a New Englander, born and raised in New England yelled this to the British soldiers who demanded he open his home to them. He died when they burned his castle around him.

Now, all this fight for the right of the individual to work for a small piece of land, is gone. The rich will now always get the land they want, because the right of the little person not to sell is over. One more American right is smashed like the Berlin Wall.