The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82496   Message #1511387
Posted By: masato sakurai
27-Jun-05 - 11:46 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Hutchinson Family 'Seasons'
Subject: RE: Origins: Hutchinson Family 'Seasons'
Is this (at the Levy collection) the song?

Title: The Seasons. A Farmer's Song (From a Popular Air). Arranged as a Quartett.
Composer, Lyricist, Arranger: Words by Jesse Hutchinson, Jr.; [music na]
Publication: New York: C. Holt Junr., 260 Broadway, cor. of Warren St., 1846.
Form of Composition: strophic with chorus
Instrumentation: piano and voice
First Line: Oh sweet the Spring, with its merry ring, When the robins chirp
First Line of Chorus: Heigh ho! farmers go, over the fields to plough and sow
Performer: As Performed by the Hutchinson Family in New York City & State, and throughout New England generally with universal acceptance.