The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59886   Message #1512979
Posted By: Suffet
29-Jun-05 - 11:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Laid off! What next?
Subject: RE: BS: Laid off! What next?

Just a little update. After two years, my $386 per day consultant job ended, but I went out and got another one. The place that had hired me on an hourly basis for 4 hours per week offered to take me on up to two days per week, or whatever I could do and still keep my pension.

However, that new position won't start until September, so I decided to have some fun. I went back to one of my old work sites, sat down at what used to be my desk, and put in half a day's work before anyone questioned what I was doing there. A few people, including the security guard at the main entrance, gave me a perfunctory "Good morning," as if nothing had changed in two years. I spent the time finishing up some jobs, mostly computer data entry work and paperwork that someone I used to supervise had left half done before taking a few days off. I even made the necessary photocopies and filed them away in the proper cabinets. Then I left a note for the woman telling her what I had done and wishing her a good summer. She will find it when she returns after the Fourth of July.

At 12 noon, after about 4 hours, the director's secretary asked if I was coming back full time. I told her, "No, I'm only here for the morning." Then I left for lunch and never returned.

--- Steve