The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82561   Message #1513744
Posted By: wysiwyg
01-Jul-05 - 12:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Petition To Boycott Tom Cruise
Subject: RE: BS: Petition To Boycott Tom Cruise
And I don't think that concerns about Scientology are about "tolerance" or "diversity," either. My experience with the damage Scn does to smart, good people started long before my life in Christ. More than anything else that concerns me about Scn, is the way free will is taken and subsumed by the Scn programming-- while being offered as the height of personal freedom. The inner workings of that programming are profound-- down to the way our brains work, our minds function, our identity is experienced. It's DEEP intrusion on Selfhood-- in the "name" of Self!

A lot of Hubbard's crap is a straight rip-off/re-jargoning of simple Old Testament judgementalism. It steals what it purports to condemn and makes hay on that, all at the same time.
