The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82551   Message #1513789
Posted By: Grab
01-Jul-05 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canada Legalizes Same Sex Marriage
Subject: RE: BS: Canada Legalizes Same Sex Marriage
to have equality under the law the all things must be equal

Yup. Two people have to love each other, and commit to spending the rest of their lives together, "forsaking all others till death do us part" (or that's the theory anyway). Sounds like equality to me.

Do I hear the cry, "But gay couples can't have children!"? I knew I did. :-) But a large number of male/female couples are also unable to have children for various biological reasons. An even larger number *choose* not to have children. But their marriages aren't viewed as invalid, just bcos they're not producing kids.

If anyone can give a reason why gay people shouldn't get married that doesn't either (a) view marriage solely as a means of producing children, or (b) quote some "holy" book as justification, I'm quite prepared to change my mind about this. JimmyC, feel up to the challenge?
