The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82551   Message #1513916
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
01-Jul-05 - 03:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canada Legalizes Same Sex Marriage
Subject: RE: BS: Canada Legalizes Same Sex Marriage
Oh I -SO- don't want a single PM from an ignoranus like you...

"the feminist critique of pornography that emerged in the 1970s and '80s"

Ancient frigg'n history! That demonizing of the porno industry has been universally shot down as excessive, over-reactionary, and out right lies... Even the so called 'Feminazis' went soft on this, cause they were quite frankly way out to sea... that's why you can't find anything reputable, less than 20+ years old to quote, unless they're quoting the same old garbage...

It's akin to people who claim that rap is misogynist.. well, you know what... the WOMEN who listen to it and enjoy it and sing it don't give a f-ck... Porno sales have never been higher or more socially accepted... 'sex shops' are now big open shiny stores, and they are frequented most by young and middle-aged couples with disposable income who are looking to 'spice things up' a little...

"harms to the women and children: (1) used in the production of pornography"
Not ALL women who make porno are harmed (I'd even hazard to say the whopping MAJORITY are NEVER harmed... I'll bet more people get hurt in their own bath tubs) and there are already laws against that and child porn... that's assault... it's not adult entertainment... There's a big difference.. and I'm in NO way condoning kiddie porn... d'uh...

"2) who have pornography forced on them"
Forced? Oh please... Ya don't like it, turn it off...

"(3) who are sexually assaulted by men who use pornography"
A man who is a rapist is going to rape, porn or no... A gun doesn't make a man a murderer does it? Men who rape often eat pizza before they rape... do you want to ban Pizza as well?

"(4) living in a culture in which pornography reinforces and sexualizes women's subordinate status"
Only people who know NOTHING about the industry would say that... On any reputable porno set, the WOMEN are the ones IN control! Their list of do's and don'ts lists come first (Especially before anyone else does :-P ) THEY get paid 3, 4, 5 times what the men stars get paid... (Wanna talk about objectification?? Men in porno are little more than props... invent a dildo that can do a convincing money shot, and you'll put them ALL out of work!) Cause that's industry standard, and any woman who finds herself ON a set where such isn't the case never has to go back, and can very easily RUIN that 'studio' and everyone working for it...

Are there Dark Underground Porno studios filming snuff and kiddie films? abso'frigg'nlootly... and they're an abomination... but they have NOTHING to do with the above board, legit, adult entertainment industry... as a matter of fact, it's the legit. industry that often fights hardest against the 'evil'... And they'd get more done if they didn't have to fight bints like you at the same time...

But all this has NOTHING to do with Gay Marriage, except in that I'd imagine a similar percentage of gay couples like to watch dirty movies together as so called 'straight' couples...

Happy Canada day! Rent yerself a porn, have a few drinks and get it on with someone ya love to celebrate! Ya might even have some fun...