The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82350   Message #1514049
Posted By: George Papavgeris
02-Jul-05 - 03:48 AM
Thread Name: Radio BRITFOLK hits the net
Subject: RE: Radio BRITFOLK hits the net

although the process of uploading onto the server a track intended for the Billboard is automated, the track is not automatically linked to the Billboard itself - that needs manual intervention, and so there is an opportunity for the editorial team to review such tracks and decide if it needs to be ignored and the money refunded because, say, it is peddling ideas that are against common decency or downright illegal (hatemongering, excessive use of gratuitous prafanity, religious intolerance etc).

Inevitably the use of editorial powers depends on personal interpretation and even taste or tolerance levels. But I believe and hope that you will find our use of editorial powers in that respect to be no worse than that of any any radio/TV station or newspaper/magazine, and probably more lax than most (we do not propose to allow PC-madness to restrict some of the fine traditional material, for example).

That leaves the matter of quality that you mention. Here we will need to hold back our personal tastes and allow even some "crap" material through; after all it is the individual's right to advertise their wares, no matter what we think. But if we get a deluge of such "crap" we may need to ration it out, spread it across different weeks etc. No doubt some will still accuse the editorial team (just like Mike Harding et al) of being "elitist" or exercising personal taste to excess; or of allowing too much "crap" through. It is a very fine line that any editorial team has to tread between upholding someone's right to be heard and keeping the quality level of broadcast material high. Only time will show if we are doing it right. Personally, I trust those involved and their judgement to make the best of what is traditionally a bad job.