The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82561   Message #1514207
Posted By: Amos
02-Jul-05 - 10:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Petition To Boycott Tom Cruise
Subject: RE: BS: Petition To Boycott Tom Cruise
With all due respect, I have known more Scientologists than I know Mudcatters. And they are, by and large, cheerful, intelligent, funny and humane people. THey love, laugh, think and work very much the same way you do. And if you prick them, they bleed.

I suggest that those of you who offer to explain to others what the "real story" behind Scientology is, without having bothered to learn about, should sign up and take a few courses. Or at least know betterthan to get your "dirt" from popular journals.

Almost every criticism you have leveled at Scientology is applicable to almost every religion. Here's an example from the charitable Mrs WYSIWYG, who has in the past so heavily objected to people writing negatively about her own religious ox:

And I don't think that concerns about Christianity are about "tolerance" or "diversity," either. My experience with the damage Christianity does to smart, good people started long before my life in Scientology. More than anything else that concerns me about Christianity, is the way free will is taken and subsumed by the Christianity programming-- while being offered as the height of personal freedom. The inner workings of that programming are profound-- down to the way our brains work, our minds function, our identity is experienced. It's DEEP intrusion on Selfhood-- in the "name" of Self!

A lot of Christianity crap is a straight rip-off/re-jargoning of simple earlier judgementalism. It steals what it purports to condemn and makes hay on that, all at the same time."

This statement, and others like it, demonstrate remarkable willingness to condemn out of ignorance.

I think you lot should be embarassed at your own spiteful conduct. You think Scientology's imaginary playmates are bad? Do a side-by-side checklist of characteristics attributed to thetans and those attributed to angels, CHrist, God, etc. You'll find ass much to ridicule on one side as the other.

Don't care for science fiction stories of origins? How about "Once upon a time this giant spiritual being waved his hand, and Space existed. And this same spiritual being really wants to know how much you want that new motorcycle, and will punish you for playing with your peepee...And he made you, owns you, watches you ALL the time, and is much too big to fuck around with."   At least Scientology's imaginary history has an end date.

If you don't like the idea that religion has contributed to deaths, I suggest you steer clear from Christianity, which was directly responsible for the terror, torture and death of millions over the years. And shun Islam, Judaism, Jayneism, Zarathrustrianism, and Christian Science, while you are at.

I suggest none of us is so enlightened or knowledgeable as to really be in a position to criticize another's "nonsensical" beliefs.

Let me make it clear, I am not a member of the organized cult of Scientology, and have no drum to beat for their various group shenanigans. But I think they have a religion which is their OWN goddamned business. And I think bashing people's philosophies is much too easy to do, having engaged in a certain amount of it myself.

We could all do better, if we chose.