The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82561   Message #1514299
Posted By: fat B****rd
02-Jul-05 - 02:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Petition To Boycott Tom Cruise
Subject: RE: BS: Petition To Boycott Tom Cruise
Some years ago whilst Ms. Kidman was appearing in London. Mr. C walked round to the Blockbuster (Video Rental Shop) to er..hire a video. The Shop Person quite correctly asked him for proof of identity, which he didn't have. Despite the fact that his face was on several covers on the shelves Mr. C did not have a hissy fit (unlike Mrs. Thatcher in the supermarket) but went home.
If he still has a similar mentality to that then he can't be all bad.
I loved The Last Samurai.
PS In the UK the sale of Man Utd is a real cause for petitions. Priorities anyone ??