The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82606   Message #1514462
Posted By: Bill D
03-Jul-05 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Justice Sandra Day O'Connor Resigns
Subject: RE: BS: Justice Sandra Day O'Connor Resigns
give what up, Doug? Give up suggesting that Conservatives are trying to manipulate the system in ways that go beyond fair and equitable? Give up noticing that Bush considers both losing the popular vote and winning by a pretty small margin a "mandate"? Give up being appalled at stuff like those "pre-emptive strike" ads that suggest, before the fact, that anything the Democrats do is automatically biased and sneaky?.............Nope, I won't give up making sense and speaking the truth, thank you.

" Bush was elected because the majority of voters voted for him."....well, 'maybe' the 2nd time...*grin*............and even IF he did get a small but legal win, there's a huge unstated set of conditions buried in that phrase. MANY,MANY Republicans did not exactly vote FOR Bush as much as they voted against Kerry...or just simply voted for whoever was wearing the Republican hat. The polls today tell you quite few wish they had not.

I sure HOPE he doesn't push his strange concept of 'mandate' and try to ram thru some ultra-right judge this time...boy, talk about "interpretating the law, and not making it"!