The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82551   Message #1514470
Posted By: LilyFestre
03-Jul-05 - 12:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canada Legalizes Same Sex Marriage
Subject: RE: BS: Canada Legalizes Same Sex Marriage
Two thumbs up for both Canada and Spain!!!! It's about time and it's too bad that it isn't happening here YET!!!

Gnu said something about not having the Gay Pride Parades. I think that is just plain wrong. I've been to several Gay Pride Parades and absolutely LOVE THEM! It is a wonderful time for everybody and it's SO NICE to see loving people holding hands and being tender with one another...regardless of gender. It's a shame that two men or two women can't walk down the street holding the hand of their loved one for fear of being attacked or for fear of losing their job, or for fear of ridicule. Clinton is right, straight folks have this freedome every single day...if you personally don't want to see it, don't look....don't go to the parades but certainly don't stand in the way of people loving one another.
