The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82551   Message #1514738
Posted By: Jimmy C
03-Jul-05 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canada Legalizes Same Sex Marriage
Subject: RE: BS: Canada Legalizes Same Sex Marriage
I have been away for a while but my oh my what a commotion.

If you read my posts again I never said that gay couples should not have all the benefits etc of straight couples. I simply said that their union should not be be described as a marriage because it is different from what we know as a tradional marriage. For starters, a union between a man and a woman is NATURAL, a homosexual union is not natural (how many out there think it is a natural act )?. It is not, it may be loving na dcaring etc but it is not the same. It is completely different and therefore cannot be termed as equal?. I really resent that fact that the government of Canada is classifying my relationship with my wife of 37 years as the same as the relationship between two men. It is not and I never will see it as such. It is DIFFERENT and should have a DIFFERENT title such as "legal union- or some other terminology.

Many people years ago cried about keeping religion out of goverment, but if I and others say "keep government out of religion" I am called a bigot or as Clinton described me as a bigoted jerk. So much for equality eh.

Marriage and family existed long before any legislature decided to regulate them. For centuries they have been central to society, contributing to its social cohesion and fundamental structure... Marriage and family promote the psychological, social and eonomic well being of all members of the family unit.

Homosexual unions may very well be loving and caring as most of you say but they are different, and as such should have a different designation.

We had a gay parade in Toronto last week, and if anyone were to walk down the street on any other day of the year, dressed like some of the participants in the parade they would get arrested for indecent exposure.

Equality in relation to pensions, benefits, health care etc is ok with me and most other non gay citizens, I have never had any problem of equality in all aspects of life., but I do draw the line a defining their relationships and straight relationship as equal. THEY ARE NOT. Gays have a different lifestyle and a gay union should have a different designation.