The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82561   Message #1514845
Posted By: dianavan
03-Jul-05 - 10:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Petition To Boycott Tom Cruise
Subject: RE: BS: Petition To Boycott Tom Cruise
I don't much care what Tom Cruise believes or doesn't believe but even if he disagrees with the use of drugs by Brooke Shields, he had no right to use her name to make a point. The decision to use medically prescribed drugs is a personal decision and should not be discussed publicly. If he discussed her medical condition in an interview, it only shows how little he knows about post partum depression.

Maybe he should run over to her house and change a few diapers and feed the bawling baby, make her a cup of tea and give her a foot massage if he wants to be helpful. Anything other than that is just adding to her misery. Maybe he should try giving birth and never getting a good nights sleep for months.

Post partum depression is real only I didn't know what to call it when I experienced it. I wondered why other new mothers were so happy and I was so miserable. I felt so alone and so isolated. I can only describe it as feeling numb. Luckily, Dad was a tremendous help and after a couple of months, I got the swing of it. Not all mothers are so lucky.