The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82561   Message #1514857
Posted By: Frankham
03-Jul-05 - 10:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Petition To Boycott Tom Cruise
Subject: RE: BS: Petition To Boycott Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise is insensitive on this issue for sure. Why bother to sign a petition? If you don't care for what he says or does, avoid his movies. Or you could write letters to the movie company that hires him. Tell them what you think. A petition just calls attention to his stupidity in making this a public issue. I guarantee you there are those who will side with him.

Actually, he will continue to be popular and make movies about nothing because people want this.

What he should do is apologize to Brooke Shields and women in general. He should remember that women put him where he is in the first place. Does that tell you something about where our popular culture is these days?

OK sign a petition if you think it helps any. Personally, I think the best way is a boycott. I don't shop at Walmarts. Now I will avoid his movies.

Frank Hamilton