The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82322   Message #1514901
Posted By: Kaleea
04-Jul-05 - 01:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lions Guard Abducted Girl
Subject: RE: BS: Lions Guard Abducted Girl
I remembered that vegetarian lioness, too Kat!
    Here's another take on the subject. I was talking about this lion-girl incident with a friend who is originally from Burma . She told me that there it is accepted by many in Burma (now Myonmar, I think?) that those who have died may appear as an animal for one reason or another. She told me of how her grandfather always told her that he would come back to see them as a panther. When a large black panther appeared at the door the day after his funeral, her grandmother was terrified, but she was not. She says the panther was there for a few days until her grandmother finally came out to see him. Only then did he leave.    She told me that it is common that a deceased relative comes back in the form of an animal tod help their loved ones. This woman was totally serious when she told me this. There are other cultures around the world who believe these things to be true. In fact, my Choctaw & Cherokee family members, & friends of other tribes & bands have talked of this, too. I have not seen it myself, though. Not that I know of, anyway.
    Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.