The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16333   Message #151627
Posted By: Marymac90
19-Dec-99 - 06:02 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Tune Add: Advent, Christmas
Subject: RE: Lyr/Tune add- Advent, Christmas
I guess adult choirs have been given some interesting music to do, but I dunno, Mary G, I mostly remember singing stuff like "Immaculate Mary", in that sing-song rhythm. It was funny, though-we knew the BV Mary had been conceived immaculately, long before we knew what conception was, or how it was accomplished. Neither did we understand that the Immaculate Conception was just something that was thunk up by the high muckety-mucks toward the end of the last century. However, I don't think Latin was ever a universal language-it was a language of clerics. The rest of us were doing good if we understood the Kyrie, Gloria and Credo.

Now I enjoy singing Handel's Messiah, spirituals, and Sacred Harp. When I was a kid people seemed to afraid to do anything that seemed too "Protestant".

I'm sorry if I sound like a real cynic. I left the church half a lifetime ago, and now don't consider myself a Christian at all. I don't mean any disrespect toward your beliefs, just wanted a chance to mention my own, or the lack of them.

Best regards,

Mary McCaffrey