The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82735   Message #1517321
Posted By: M.Ted
07-Jul-05 - 04:35 PM
Thread Name: Folk music students graduate
Subject: RE: Folk music students graduate
From a certain point of view, it is a highly objectionable enterprise--folk music is, if not exactly created by "the people", at least chosen, shaped, molded and used by them, for their own amusement--the university trained musician is not a folk musician--he/she is a product of a system that decides what is and isn't appropriate music, and how it is to be played.

One fear is that the trained and polished university musicians will their "business education" will have a competitive advantage over the real folk musicians, and will replace them. Another is that a unversity committee will decide what music will and will not folk music.

Both of these concerns are legitimate. I was once involved in the Balkan music scene(such as it is) and had a friend was an excellent gadulka player--well regarded in both the US and Bulgaria--every few years, he would go to Bulgaria to study, and would return playing in yet another style, advocates of the old style having lost influence in the academic sphere--