The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67948   Message #1517900
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Jul-05 - 07:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: In every thread someone has to be last!
Subject: RE: BS: In every thread someone has to be last!
You assume that you are just "merely human", but you may be more than that... ;-) I suggest that you are more than that. Why settle for a nice cupcake when you can have the whole bakery?

I do unconditionally love GWB, Karl Rove, etc...BUT that does not mean that I love their outer personalities or their destructive policies or that I approve of their foolish decisions or that I would vote for Mr Bush, given the opportunity to do so. Loving people at the soul level does not necessitate putting up with their bad behaviour at the personality level. It does involve respecting them as living souls, however, and treating them decently, as one would oneself wish to be treated. If there's someone I don't love (because I deny their intrinsic worth at the deepest level), then I have a problem which I had better learn to deal with, and the problem is in me, not in them. Personalities can be very negative (due to fear), but the soul is pure.

"Love your neighbor as yourself." That is how to make peace in the World.

That's what I did with MG, and it worked. He ended up liking me, and we got along fine even though we disagreed on a lot of social and political issues. It worked a whole lot better than trading insults and threats with him, and trying to hurt him back...

If you think bad thoughts...bad things happen.
If you think good thoughts...good things happen.

And if you think nothing........nothing happens!!! ;-)

My best wishes to you and your muse...may you find happiness.