The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75080   Message #1518844
Posted By: GUEST,wombat
09-Jul-05 - 08:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: THE ERECTION... Your thoughts
Subject: RE: BS: THE ERECTION... Your thoughts
It takes but a minor inspection
of any unfolding erection
to come to the only conclusion
an erection is a passing illusion.

it may spring to a heady attention
then sag with exhaustion and bow
it rises in time at a mention
of an undulating soil for its plough

it may seek to dominate the sky
or to burrow the deepest warm earth
we watch and we wonder just why
its an object of derision, or mirth

some of us fear its potential
to dominate, assert and deliver
not just in the bedroom, but the boardroom
it sends our sensations aquiver

yet i say, great erection, you are just
a part of a moving contraction
without a receptacle you fail
to be part of that multiple action

the four legged monster is able
to achieve the great depths and the heights
two legged, you are but a fable
with no one to turn out the lights.

sleep easy, erection
you're but a reflection
of that testy old testosteroni
a quirk of genetics
with motions frenetic
me, I'd rather some hot macaroni!

wendy wombat