The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82825   Message #1518866
Posted By: Azizi
09-Jul-05 - 09:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: KKK Alive and Well in Tenn.....???
Subject: RE: BS: KKK Alive and Well in Tenn.....
When I was about 8 years old, my church in Atlantic City and two other African American churches were destroyed by fire because of racism. I don't remember that church building, but it is part of the church history that the arsonists were found and racism was the motive.

I am also aware that shortly before I came to Pittsburgh, Penn. in 1969 3 African American churches were set on fire, and one as a result was totally destroyed because of a racist arsonist.

This said, I don't want my first post to this thread to be interpreted that I am so naive that I don't believe such things happen in the USA {and elsewhere}. However, I would like to know if any facts are known about these Tennessee fires that directly connect them to the KKK and/or racism.