The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82818   Message #1518888
Posted By: Charley Noble
09-Jul-05 - 09:51 AM
Thread Name: Songs about Banjoes
Subject: RE: Songs about Banjoes
Les Barker's parody of "Roseville Fair" entitled "Roseville Chair" in which the less than faithful banjo picker has his head smashed through his banjo head by a rosewood chair but still gamely dances on.

Back in the early 19th century Charles Dibden, in DIBDEN'S SEA SONGS, pp. 218-219, composed a curious dialect song entitled "The Negro and His Banja." The first verse runs:

One negro wi my banjer,
Me from Jenny come,
Wid cunning yiei
Me savez spy
De buckra world one hum,
As troo a street a stranger
Me my banjer strum.

Charley Noble