The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82825   Message #1519212
Posted By: Ebbie
09-Jul-05 - 08:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: KKK Alive and Well in Tenn.....???
Subject: RE: BS: KKK Alive and Well in Tenn.....
"The fires might easily have smoldered since the 4th of July.
They may have been unattended candles left lit in the church.
They may have been faulty wiring.
They are probably one of those rare coincidental clusters of probability." Yep. Sure 'nough could be. Let me ask you- where were you last night?

The Klan was in Alaska too, oddly enough, Rap. I don't know who their enemies were.

Some neighbors of mine love their house- it's historic, by our standards it is old, they collect antiques, and they have already set up a funded foundation so that when they die, the house and its contents will become the property of the city as a museum.

They said they were thrilled when they discovered the name of the person who built the house- until upon further research they discovered that he had been a founder of the KKK in Juneau.