The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82851   Message #1519658
Posted By: Bobert
10-Jul-05 - 09:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: I'm becoming more conservative
Subject: RE: BS: I'm becoming more conservative
I ain't in the closet...

On the death penalty: No, no a thousand times no!!!

Gun control: Outlaw handguns 'cause they are only desined to kill people...

What else?

Okay, that oughtta cover it fir now...

No, it doesn't!!!! Gol dang it!!!!

Hey, what's with these danged deficits???? Hey, ain't his strappin' our kids and their kids with payin' fir *our* party???... Ain't nuthin' "liberal" about being against spendiong our kids money...

And how about attackin' folks because we think that one day they might, ahhhh, think about, ahhhh.... Ain't nuthin' "Conservative" about that either... Seems purdy friggin' radical to me... So put me in the conservative column on that one, too...

And, hey, look at the word "conservative"... What is the root of the word? Give up?.... Ahhhhh, like "conserve"!!!! Gol dangit... Now look around you as the so called *****conservative***** "Energy Plan is is playin' out!?!?!?!?... Anyone that calls millions of gas guzzlin' SUV's tryin' to run one another off the roads ain't like, ahhhh, "conserve" ative.... It's friggin' looney...

So, Donuel, if you want to slip off into the abyiss, then have at... But leave this poor hillbilly alone... I'm perfectly happy with my current set of values, thank you...

But have you a nice trip and don't firget to say "Hey" to DougR when you get there...
