The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82825   Message #1519700
Posted By: Bobert
10-Jul-05 - 11:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: KKK Alive and Well in Tenn.....???
Subject: RE: BS: KKK Alive and Well in Tenn.....???
Ahhhh, where's Yurup??? Ahhhh, I'z heard if it... Think it might be down 'round Sperryville but I ain't poked 'round much over there since ain't no fun gettin' over the Blue Ridge... Real windy... But Iz sure it's over there somewhere since ain't 'round these parts....

Ahhh, them folks responsible fir that Euro thing??? Heard that Saddam was into Euros... Hmmmmmmmmm?.... Maybe not a good sign since even if Bush dropped a nuclear device 'er bomb thing on the other side of the mountain it'd sho nuff make folks 'round here purdy danged mad 'cause it wopuld kill off half the deer!!! Hey, one thing I'z learnt up purdy good in my short time here is: Don't mess wid the deer!!! No sir 'er mame... Don't mess wid the deer....
