The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82848   Message #1519747
Posted By: Kaleea
11-Jul-05 - 01:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Google amazes once more ...
Subject: RE: BS: Google amazes once more ...
I'm not worried, I keep a clone in my house. In fact, my house is also a clone. As is my driveway & car. I maintain a domicile in an undisclosed location. The veep is my neighbor, by the way. You all should come over for one of his parties. The drinks he serves are the real wmd's.
   Oh yeah, & I'm insured by Smith & Wesson. But I really don't need it. The "house guarded by trained attack cat" sign on the porch sends shivvers down the spines of bad guys. Not to mention the picture of an 800 pound Bengal tiger on the door, with "Fluffy" inscribed at the bottom.