The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82825   Message #1519756
Posted By: Kaleea
11-Jul-05 - 01:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: KKK Alive and Well in Tenn.....???
Subject: RE: BS: KKK Alive and Well in Tenn.....???
I never cease to be amazed at the wars which are waged against fellow humans by humans--or those claiming to be human.
    Some years ago, the teenage boy of a gal I grew up with in Oklahoma decided to become a "skinhead." She was at the end of her rope with him, & ready to let the cops take him. Now, according to research done in OK, @ 50 % of Okies are of "Indian" ancestry. Now, this youngin is one whom I held as a baby, diapered, & his mother instructed him to call me "aunt." So when I visited, I sat this boy (then 16)down, & had a chat with him. I told him about how his father's family is Cherokee. I told him about the trail of tears. About how I am Choctaw & Cherokee & some of my family was hated by their own relatives. I told him about how there were many people who were prejudiced against my relatives, Indian & Irish, how in my lifetime there were signs in shop windows that said "Help Wanted--No Irish Need Apply!" (Also @50% of Okies are of Irish ancestry, & some of us are in both groups!) He never associated with those skinheads again.
   If we who "rock the babies" in this world would take seriously our roles as parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. from the time they are little ones, we could really change this world. One child at a time.
    I read research recently that the average midwestern American "white" person has some DNA which is "black."   I sure would like to be a fly on the wall & watch some of the hatefilled humans be informed of the interesting ancestry in their genes.