The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82895   Message #1520605
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
12-Jul-05 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: grammatically correct use of ' y'all'?
Subject: Lyr Req: grammatically correct use of ' y'all'?
I was finishing up a rowboat ride with some friends, and I had occasion to ask "Is that your hat?"

This brought to mind a song I heard once, "The Long, Tall Texan." The version I remember differs some from what I find on the Net. The last verse goes:

Oh, I'm a long, tall Texan, and I enforce the law.
(He rides through Texas to enforce the law.)
People tum-tee-tee and they say to me
"Hoo-ray, hoo-rah, are y'all the law?"

My question is, is this use of y'all to refer to one person authentic? I have seen plural forms (ye, Sie) indicate formal address at times. Is that what's going on here, or did the composer just find it more fun to sing "y'all"?