The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82898   Message #1521066
Posted By: GUEST,Azizi
13-Jul-05 - 08:58 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Slang words
Subject: RE: Folklore: Slang words
Sorry for the double posting...

my computer was taking its time and [as usual]I was impatient.

But I guess it's doubled for emphasis...

And none of this is to say that students shouldn't learn how to speak and use 'standard' English..

I thank those vocabulary quizzes in Reader's Digest magazines for sparking my interest in word meanings, and one of my leisure pastimes in high school was to read a dictionary to learn new words.

I consider my interest in slang as part of my overall interest in etymology. IMO, using slang can fun and harms no one if used in its proper place {i.e: not in the professional area unless you're blessed to work for yourself or have a laid back job}.