The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82880   Message #1521321
Posted By: akenaton
13-Jul-05 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: More Galloway!
Subject: RE: BS: More Galloway!
I've followed George Galloway's career with interest and have heard him speak at various demos. The thing about him is his courage, he will take on anyone regardless of how powerful they are,if he sees injustice, he will fight it with any means at his disposal.

Personally I see George as Blair's Nemesis, no matter how Blair wriggles twists, lies and distorts, George will be right there in his face, saying the words that we all wish we had the opportunity to say.

A couple of nights ago on BBC Newsnight, George Galloway "Wiped the floor with "media giant" Gavin Essler who accused him of "crass use of language" in linking the London bombings with Blairs Iraqi policy.

When George was obviously getting the better of Essler ,the interview was abruptly halted in the most un-courtious manner.

The public should rally behind George Galloway, tjhe only politician to tell it like it is....Ake